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Thanks for sharing these great productivity boosting tips, Felicity. I find tidying up to be a great way to feel more in control of my day (not to mention my work environment) and to gain clarity on my priorities as well as determine what to tackle next.
ReplyThank you Felicity – some brilliant suggestion.
I think the key to dealing with overwhelm is to recognise that it is a subjective state of mind; a stress reaction to a combination of your objective workload and your emotional state. As such, dealing with overwhelm needs to recognise that when we feel that way, we are not wholly rational.
So, following any combination of your tips will work, because it bypasses the need for rational thought and allows us to just get on with it. Once we make progress, we start to feel in control, and our stress response will start to subside. Then, we can act rationally and feel less overwhelmed.
Great tips. Thank you.
ReplyThanks Laura and Mike for your comments and insights and yes, anything that shifts our state into doing something productive, however small, can help us to feel more in control.
ReplyThanks for the productivity boosting tips Felicity – I use a couple of them already (tidying my desk, shredding unwanted paperwork etc. and stick to one main objective per day) but will certainly try the others over the next week or so. I also find it useful to send myself an email at the end of each day, listing my priority tasks for the next working day.
ReplyOn the subject of emailing yourself tasks – another tool I find quite handy is Wunderlist, which is an online to-do list, you can use it to note tasks when you’re out and about and it synchs with your phone and desktop.
ReplySo simple, yet so effective! Thanks I will share with some people that I know can do with the reminder too 🙂