Unhappy in your job?

Are you unhappy in your job?

It can happen to us all. And yes, it has happened to me. I know what it’s like to feel like a round peg in a square hole. The important thing – the thing that will affect the quality of our lives – is what we do about it.

 And that’s where career coaching can help. Where I can help you.

You may feel trapped because you can’t afford to leave your job. You may feel stifled by a corporate culture. Or by the expectations of those closest to you. Or by a system where your career progression is all mapped out ahead of you – but you no longer aspire to be where that path is taking you. You yearn for something more meaningful. Something more fulfilling, more worthwhile and more in tune with your values.

Whatever the reason for your disatisfaction, you need to do something about it before you end up feeling overwhelmed and burned out. It might sound self-evident, but the key is to understand yourself and what will fulfil you. But that can be difficult to do on your own.

Consulting an empathic but impartial career coach can help you uncover what’s important to you and identify the right path for you. This might entail a complete shift of direction or it might mean making small adjustments in the short term, whilst working towards more radical changes in the longer term.

I will guide you on the journey you to find out what really matters to you and what sort of work would suit you best. And together we’ll devise a comprehensive, fully workable plan for finding it.

Are you unhappy in your job? Would you like to explore your options through one-to-one career coaching? Call me on 01962 736 019 or email felicity@heartofwork.co.uk to arrange an initial, free-of-charge consultation.